

Центр классической гомеопатии ОЛЛО (Москва) (499) 678-21-17

Центр классической гомеопатии "ОЛЛО": производство лекарств, лечение    OLLO2008@INBOX.RU

+7 (499) 678-21-17, +7 (499) 188-25-85, +7 (963) 977-74-38, +7 916 297-24-09

ГОМЕОПАТИЧЕСКИЕ ЛЕКАРСТВА, Опубликуем статью * Задайте вопрос о гомеопатии врачу * КОНСУЛЬТАЦИЯ ВРАЧА-ГОМЕОПАТА

4 Начало  4 OLLO Homeopathic Cente... 

Центр классической гомеопатии «ОЛЛО»
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OLLO Homeopathic Center

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OLLO Homeopathic Center

4 Articles 4 Curdlipid

OLLO Homeopathic Center  founded in 1991 works at topics of classic homeopathy and unicist approach in homeopathic treatment, carries out research based on Hahnemann principles of classic homeopathy.

The fundamental activities of the Center are:

  • development of unicist homeopathy in Russia, including the foundation of a Unistic Homeopathy Association
  • practical medical treatment
  • publication of popular medical literature and specialized homeopathic material, among them the "Newspaper for Those Who Use Homeopathy," with a supplement for doctors entitled "The Hahnemann Information Bulletin" (English and French editions of which are under development)
  • analytical review of the clinical experience of homeopathic doctors
  • the production of homeopathic remedies (single-component homeopathic medicines)
  • hosting seminars and congresses on classical Hahnemannic homeopathy with invited specialists from European countries

OLLO Homeopathic Center and the Soviet Homeopathic League took part in hosting the first National Congress on Homeopathy in Russia in the city of Zvenigorod.

Independently, the Center has organized seminars with such noted homeopathic doctors as J. Gnaiger of Austria, M. Briunson of Belgium, D. Grandgeorge of France and M. Fayeton and doctors from the AFADH association.

The OLLO Homeopathic Laboratory distributes homeopathic remedies in solutions of up to 1000 CH produced by hand using Hahnemannic technology.

We also offer Curdlipid 6 CH, a domestically developed original homeopathic preparation for the treatment of overweight and correction of lipid metabolism.

We can be reached by telephone at +7 (095) 188-25-85 or by e-mail at ollo@mgsu.ru

For correspondence: Russia, 141070, Moscow Region, city Korolev-10, P.O. Box 61

Карта сайта

Гомеопатический центр "ОЛЛО"

+7 (499) 678-21-17, +7 (499) 188-25-85, +7 (963) 977-74-38, +7 916 297-24-09

, e-mail: OLLO2008@INBOX.RU. При перепечатке, копировании, цитировании или адаптации любой части текста обязательна ссылка на Гомеопатический центр "ОЛЛО" (Москва), Интернет-адрес http://ollo.norna.ru, ФИО автора статьи. Сделано при помощи RuniBase. Дизайн сайта: врач-гомеопат Расторгуев Д.В.