Alexander Ostrovsky, director of the OLLO Homeopathic Center
One and the same question is constantly present for the experienced doctor
and beginning homeopath: What solution and in what cases to prescribe it?
The practice of homeopathic doctors of various schools gives various answers
to that question.
The entire history of the homeopathic school in Kiev (the school of T.D.
Popov) tells us of the dominance of high solutions in Ukraine and rather
frequent use.
In the United States, homeopathy has often given the answer of high and
infrequent use, according to the school of J.T. Kent.
In Russia, since 1981, from 30 CH and, at present, any solution, including 10
000 CH.
In France, from 30 CH, according to Hahnemann, to 100 000 CH, according to
In Germany, Austria and England, any prescription is possible.
A number of conclusions can be made based on ones own practice and the
literature as commentary to these facts. According to Hahnemann, it is
especially necessary while treating chronic diseases and their miasmic
manifestations to prescribe large doses of their specific substances at ever
higher degrees of dynamization every day, possibly several times a day." (note
163, "Organon," 6th ed.)
By "high degrees of dynamization," Hahnemann had in mind in "Chronic
Diseases" the LM scale. The frequent doses may be, as indicated in "Chronic
Diseases," a matter of medicines dissolved in water. At present, the majority of
schools of homeopathic thought consider low solutions from O to 3 CH, medium
from 3 CH to 30 CH and high 200 CH and up.
Another, specific dose that Hahnemann considered safe is 30 CH. He considered
high solutions preferable for mental illness.
The American school of homeopathy recommends beginning with 200 CH and then
raising it to 1M, 10M or higher and alternating medicines prepared by various
mechanical methods. In general, in the view of Elizabeth Hubbard, editor and
publisher of the journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1954, the
following holds:
1. When treating functional breaches, solutions above 200 CH are
preferable. 2. When treating organic changes, medium or low solutions are
preferable. 3. When treating severe diseases, high solutions are
preferable. 4. Severe crises, such as bronchial asthma and heart attacks
stemming from chronic pathology are treated better by low and medium
solutions. 5. However, severe infections, such as diphtheria and pneumonia,
react better to high solutions. 6. It has also been noted that therapy should
be started with lower solution for patients with higher sensitivity. 7. The
therapy of persons under the stress of significant application of allopathic
medicine is better carried out with high solutions.
In my opinion, the choice of solution should be such that the treatment
causes the patient the fewest possible aggravation.
A) It is my observation that there are antipsoric medications, such as
Phosphorus, Sulfur and a number of others described by Hahnemann, with which it
is better to begin the treatment of a chronic disease with 6 CH or 30 CH, since
any therapy with those substances in solutions or higher than 6 CH or 30 CH
causes exhaustion of the life force and hinders the treatment of chronic
pathology. In the long term, where there is positive dynamics, it is expedient
to switch to high solutions.
B) Severe diseases, such as severe infections, measles, pneumonia and so on,
are treated better by 30 CH when they are not the aggravation of chronic
pathology, which requires 6 CH (for specific substances).
C) In the case of chronic pathology, antimiasmatic therapy is better
conducted with 30 CH in a solution with water with rather frequent applications.
Here, in a number of cases, it is possible to agree with Elizabeth Hubbard that
patients taking a lot of chemical medicines require higher solutions. This has
been confirmed in my practice.
D) To treat severe chronic diseases, antipsoric is necessary in the majority
of cases at 30 CH or higher.
E) In the therapy of chronic pathology, the appearance of severe symptoms in
connection with the treatment of the chronic pathology (such as temperature)
must be differentiated from symptoms connected with homeopathic aggravation. If
the symptoms arise as a result of aggravation, the question follows, was the
solution properly chosen?
In conclusion, only the general principles of prescribing homeopathic
medicine have been laid out here. It is plainly obvious that every patient
requires an individual approach in the choice of solution and in the frequency
of its use. |